2019 scholarship winners with Scholarship Committee members, Libby Lapp and Dianne Grove.
2019 scholarship winner.
2019 scholarship winner.
2019 scholarship winner.
Flathead County Democratic Women hosted a noon luncheon on Monday, Jan. 29, 2018 using the theme "Golden Notable Women". History of the Flathead County Democratic Women and women who had been in leadership roles were highlighted. The event was held on the 100th birth date of a previous president, Dolly Siderius, who for years served in leadership roles. The proceeds from the luncheon were used to award, a one time, $1000 scholarship (Josephine "Dolly" Siderius Scholarship) honoring a Flathead Valley Community College health science student. The recipient was Tymber Liehr, a second year nursing student.
2018 Scholarship winner Angela Boyce from FVCC
FCDW Scholarship winner, Aidan Fritz from Glacier HS
2018 FCDW Scholarship winner Brook Ploot from Flathead HS
Judy Elwood, Chairperson of Scholarship Committee 2017-2018
Judy Elwood with 2017 scholarship winners.